7 Weeks

After that appointment, it was like a dream. We were really pregnant! Our little one was there inside me. It’s heart beating away! 
But, it still didn’t feel real to me. 

I was 7 weeks pregnant and knew there was still a big risk. Especially with my history. So again I prayed. 

I know it sounds cliche, but guys, I didn’t know what else to do. I was terrified. Every morning on my way to work I would listen to K-Love and then pray. I would ask the Lord that his will be done no matter what that was. That no matter how much heartache, He was still good. I would pray that he would keep our little baby’s heart beating and would keep that baby growing. That he would comfort me, keep me calm, and keep me healthy. 

And then one morning later that week, I woke up and I was bleeding. 
Tears. Praying. More tears.
We called up to the OBGYN and wanted to know if it was possible to get in to an ultrasound as soon as possible. Same day appointments don’t happen but I was just hoping for something close. But God was with me… They had an appointment that day with Sara. They had just had a cancelation before I called. They even made mention that this never happens. And the appointment time was on my lunch break. I didn’t have to take time off or miss teaching for the day. 

So Caleb met me and we went to the ultrasound. And once again, our God was faithful. 
The baby looked perfect. Just like a little Gummy Bear. There was nothing to be worried about. He or she was growing perfectly. 
They said there was no need to worry and that we would see us very soon for our 10week appointment. 
I felt as close as ever to the Lord. He was with me even in my darkest hour. I think He was showing me that even when possible negative things come up or my worry overwhelms , He is faithful. Showing me again that I needed to trust Him.