Taking Control

After that last appointment, we made the choice to have another D&C. We decided to take a break from trying after that. It became too much for us. We didn’t want our relationship to be centered around having a baby. We didn’t want to forget about us.

 And more importantly, I am a wife first. More than anything , I love my husband. And being his wife is the greatest title I will ever hold. He is my complete world. Through it all, my husband has been amazing. He has supported me and been there with me at my worst and to see me conquer my fears. Caleb is truly my soul mate and I never take for granted the time we have together for it is precious and never promised.

So for the next few months, we could breathe! There was no pressure or expectation. We went to my best friends wedding! We bought a new car. I watched Caleb play in tennis tournaments around Indiana. We went zip lining! We had our nieces and nephews over. We went to Disney World!


We became us again.

But I realized something. I could not sit back and wait for something to happen. I felt like I needed to do something. Take control of the situation in which I had no control of the outcome. So I made the call to my doctor and she referred me to a fertility specialist from Indy but who also traveled to Lafayette for appointments. It felt like it was meant to be. They got me an appointment within days and I felt in control of our future again.

From the Beginning

It was always in our plan to have children. We thought we would wait about a year to try and have kids. And then in April of 2013, I got this text message!!IMG_0393

 And we followed that plan almost perfectly! I took a random pregnancy test in July of 2013. I didn’t even take a second look, I just threw it away. Later that evening when throwing things away, I saw a positive test! Caleb and I were elated! We immediately told our families! I felt well most of the time with small bouts of nausea just in the mornings when brushing my teeth.

I scheduled our 10 week appointment and were on our way. The day of our appointment came and my doctor tried to find a heartbeat. She could not find one, which did not immediately freak us out. We were able to get into an ultrasound that day with Megan. Many of you know Megan and she is absolutely wonderful. As Megan began to scan me, it was pretty clear.

There was no heartbeat.

There was no movement.

I immediately began to shake. My shaking comes with being nervous, scared, and during confrontations. The doctor explained that my baby stopped growing. Tears welled in mine and Caleb’s eyes. That may have been the hardest moment for me. We walked to the car and I looked at him and completely fell apart.

They wanted to scan me again in a week to see if there was any growth, so the week of waiting began… At the time I was teaching my 1st year of kindergarten and I truly believe those little ones helped get me through. Even if they had no idea what was happening.

Our second scan showed no growth… so we were left with a choice. To let this pregnancy take its course or schedule a D&C. I felt for me that I needed the D&C. I needed this to be done. And I know that seems so harsh… But I still had a job to do. I was still responsible for 20 little ones at school. I needed to move on from this moment. We scheduled the D&C for the next week, but my body decided to do something different.

That evening I began to lose a lot of blood. So much so, that they wanted me to come to the emergency room right away. They thought that my body was naturally doing what it was suppose to do. Well, we were wrong again. I was scanned again early the next morning and the baby had barely moved at all. We decided that we would go ahead and do the D&C that day. It was quick and painless…and I felt so empty.

The months after our first loss were the absolute darkest time in my life. I will IMG_2588never be able to describe that deep pain and utter sadness that consumed me. I was depressed and I’m sure not the easiest person to be around. I felt helpless and alone. I never knew what would make me emotional and fall apart.  Christmas was extremely hard for us… Caleb was the sweetest and bought me a necklace that I had wanted when we were pregnant. A promise and hope of things to come for us…

In April of 2014, I was pregnant again! But miscarried shortly after finding out. Then in July of 2014, I was pregnant.

I was pregnant. And we weren’t excited.

I was scared. We had become so accustomed to loss that my first thought was not one of joy, but one of dread and fear. I made my appointment and I would be fc072c94ccef44614294ae9a04942b34going in at 6 weeks instead of 10 so that they could monitor me. I was so sick this time around. I could barely get out of bed without feeling dizzy. They scheduled my first scan not at my OB office, but just using a regular ultrasound tech. And it was horrible. This lady had no idea of my history of loss. She made comments to me that were not only rude, but left me puzzled and questioning what was wrong with me. But our worst fears were confirmed yet again. This pregnancy was not viable.

The Story of Us

Caleb and I on our 1st Mission Trip to North Carolina. Our 1st picture together in 2004.

Caleb has always been my best friend. I do not even remember a day without him in it. I am blessed beyond measure to have met my husband when I was 15. I love that as young people, we grew up together. I love telling the story of finding each other young. I am so blessed because I feel like I am getting all the time I possibly can with him, and yet sometimes that doesn’t even feel like enough.

I feel like Caleb and I do not fit into the mold of your average married couple in their 20’s. We love to be at home with each other. We prefer the company of our family and siblings. We say I love you, 20+ times a day.  I love to greet him at the door with a huge hug. And he loves to surprise me with flowers. We are old souls that love God and each other.

Our Wedding- June 9, 2012
Our Wedding- June 9, 2012

We were married on June 9, 2012 after dating for 7 years. We were surrounded by the people we loved most. And even though out wedding was gorgeous and lovely, it does not even compare to our marriage and relationship we have with each other.

People said to us, and I hear this all the time being said to newlyweds, the first year or two are the hardest of your marriage. Caleb and I talk about how this must be the biggest lie we have ever heard. We have 100% enjoyed each year of marriage. Never has there been a doubt we are with who we are suppose to be. With that being said, are some things hard? Of course! But instead of these obstacles tearing us apart or putting a wedge in our relationship, it has only made us stronger. We lean on each other and take each others feelings into account in each decision and choice we make. However, the hardest battle we have faced, is one that we have been fighting for over two years, and it seems to be the most difficult one we may ever have to endure.
Our Life in Numbers
3698 days we have been together
1186 days we have been married
760 days my heart has been broken
3 miscarriages
2 D & C’s
2 Fertility Specialists
1 Ever Faithful God

This blog is about our life, our love, and our battle with infertility.